Category Archives: Old blog

Posts I imported from my old Xanga blog.

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    Xanga’s crying for attention again; damn thing, it’s worse than a child.

    I saw an amazingly well thought-out commercial today.  It was a shoe commercial with some idiot drinking sour milk from a shoe (I thought his name was Steve-O, but I could swear that he died the day Jackass was finally cancelled).  Then he went offscreen and puked, and came back to talk about how cool the shoe is.
Now there’s a brilliant marketing strategy; I’d love to meet the guy who came up with that one.

Executive1:   “How can we best affiliate our shoes with our target teenage-demographic?”
Executive2:   “Well.. we could associate our shoes with vomit and expired dairy-products.”
Executive3:   “And then we could hire one of those recognizable mock-celebrities desperate for attention and of questionable intelligence for practically nothing!”
Executive1:   “Genius!  Kids nowadays love vomit and washed-up hacks!  I knew there was a reason you’re paid enough to feed an entire third-world country for a month.”

Now there’s a role model for children.

[edit] I forgot to check “update time stamp to current date” – now it really *has* been two weeks, completely ruining the whole “feeding” analogy.

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    Well, I suppose it’s time to feed my Xanga again – unlike most American women, Xangas can’t go two weeks without eating.

    A lot of very uninteresting events have happened in the past thirteen days.  For one, my girlfriend and I got back together again (in fact, we apparently never technically broke up in the first place). Of course, I’m not saying that my girlfriend is uninteresting – but what happens in my sex(less)-life is none of your damned business.
    For another, my friend Alex, whom I haven’t seen for a very long time, is coming up later today.  Those of you who have seen my very funny, very original, award-winning Emmy-nominated documentary on Alex know who I’m talking about. I was going to post a few clips from the movie, but I find myself unfortunately unable to do so:  earlier today, Windows thought it would be a funny joke to delete my backup partition while I was formatting my hard-drive.  I punched Windows in the face and spouted dirty racial-slurs at it, but alas, even all the hate I could muster was unable to recover my lost files.  I went so far as to hire a few white-supremacists to aid me in my exorcism, but even that effort proved futile in the end.
Oh well.  What was I going to do with the past four years of my life, anyways?

    I better get back to watching over my (currently internet-less) laptop, before it decides to melt or catch fire or something.  Xanga’s full enough, anyway, with all the bullshit the rest of you keep feeding it.

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Well, my girlfriend and I essentially broke up today.  The conversation went something like this:

Girlfriend: “Happy anniversary!”
Girlfriend: “By the way, let’s see other people.”

    So now I’ve got to transition back into the single-life again.  Just today, I’ve already begun to once again chew with my mouth open, scratch myself in public, openly pass various gases, and refer to women as “those things.”    Now I’ve just got to master the art of not putting the seat up, and I’ll be all set.

…humor makes such a good defense-mechanism.

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    I’ll be gone until Wednesday for college orientation – so in the meanwhile, I thought I’d remind you all how cool I am, and let you ponder the many ways you could possibly hope to become even a smidgeon as cool as I am. You could:

  • Beat up someone smaller than you.
  • Steal candy from a baby.
  • Jump off a seven story building and survive without a scratch on you.
  • Burn down a village of nuns for sport.
  • Play “Punt the Neighbor Baby.”
  • Play nine musical instruments at once (not including the trombone, because it’s not a real instrument anyways).
  • Nurse a dying woman back to health, just to spite her family.
  • Kill a ninja with your bare hands.
  • Beat the original Super Mario Brothers in under seven minutes.
  • Tear out a man’s heart straight from his chest.
  • Headbutt a gorilla.
  • Memorize every line of Full Metal Jacket.
  • Found a worship cult dedicated to how cool I am.
  • Write a Xanga article about how cool I am.

   Be back in a few days – feel free to add to the list as I see fit.

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I was going to write a satire about my town today, but I’m too tired; so instead, here’s a picture of two monkeys throwing poo at one another to tide you over.


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    Democrats are idiots.  And so are Republicans.  In fact, the whole damn idea of having only two seperate factions to represent a broad collection of unrelated ideals is utterly moronic.  Why is it that in order to be against abortion, I have to be for the death penalty, or vice-versa?
    It is a well-known fact that the creators of the US Constitution didn’t want political parties.  George Washington himself referred to them as “factions,” and Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson (who created the first political parties) called them “an unfortunate but necessary evil.”1  Their only purpose is to delude the public enough to hoax votes out of them, and to band together the uninformed masses to tell them what their opinions should be – for some reason, most people would rather have opinions spoonfed to them than have to think for themselves and make up their own mind.
    So what party do I belong to?  I belong to the only reasonable party: the logical party.  All of my opinions are based on simple logic and basic moral principals (of course, we could have a long, philosophical debate on the meaning of morality, but I’m assuming that most people can at least tell right from wrong in basic, moral-related situations). I don’t understand how anyone could disagree with any of my opinions, unless they honestly haven’t given any thought of their own to any of the issues.  So what are my opinions?  I’m glad you asked.

    This issue is ironic because, like several other issues, the self-proclaimed “liberals” are taking a more conservative stance – that we should continue doing things the way they’ve been done for thousands of years – and the “conservatives” are taking the more liberal stance – that just because something is “traditional” doesn’t make it right.  In this case, however, I agree with the liberals, and I don’t see how anyone could disagree.  I mean, if a girl is raped and becomes pregnant, and she wants to have the baby, that’s fine, all the power to her; but it would not only be completely unethical, but also cruel and unusual, to force her to have the baby.  I’m not saying that we should hand out abortions the way we hand out condoms or birth-control pills, but to make abortions completely illegal is just cold-hearted and inconsiderate towards the victims.

    What the hell difference does it make if two guys or two girls kiss?  That’s the way they were born, that’s the way they feel; now quit being so goddamned insecure about your own sexuality and get over it.
    I think I dealt with this topic more than enough in my previous post.

Death Penalty
    This is the one issue I might accept a little leeway one way or the other.  On the one hand, if a person kills 200 innocent people, he surely deserves to die himself; however, on the other hand, as the old saying goes, “If everyone took an eye-for-an-eye, we’d be left with a country of blind people.”  
    Here’s how I feel:  the death penalty should be instituted only in the case of first-degree murder(s), and only when it can be shown with 100% certainty that the defendant is guilty.  I don’t just mean beyond-a-reasonable-doubt guilty – I mean completely beyond-any-shadow-of-a-doubt even-their-own-mother-thinks-they’re-guilty guilty.  And there would have to be either a huge jury of completely unopinionated peers, or some sort of replacement for a jury (not just a local judge or two), because we all know what a terrible job juries typically do in making unbiased decisions in important cases: Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, OJ Simpson, Rodney King, Clinton – shall I go on? – Hinckley, Sacco/Vanzetti, the Scopes’ monkey trial, the Lindberg baby trial, the Salam witch trials, Nixon (although that wasn’t the judge’s and/or jury’s fault), Scottsboro, Dred Scott, Plessy/Fergusson, the 3/5ths compromise (or whatever it’s called), the other one that said black-slaves are property and runaway slaves in free-states are therefore still slaves (I forget what that’s called, too), Susan B. Anthony, Lizzie Bordon – and other countries as well – Oscar Wilde, Bruno (although I don’t believe he was even tried), Socrates, Jesus Christ, Galileo – the list goes on and on; the point is, the system just does not work when prejudice or public opinion are involved, and thus, we need a better way of determining guilt absolutely before instituting the death penalty.

    I pretty much exactly agree with Maddox on this one; and rather than trying to reiterate what he has already written, I’ll just let you read it in his own words.

Social Security
    Yet another one of those issues that the “liberals” take a conservative stance on, and vice-versa.  Personally, I prefer the Republicans’ plan:  I’m a young, middle-class white-boy, which means I’d have everything to gain from the privatization of Social Security – it’s about time that I stop paying so much for lazy retirees who never bothered to save any money for retirement to continue living.
    What really ticks me off, though, are the uninformed old people who go on television and say, “I support the President in whatever he decides to do with social security” — what the hell?  What is this, a dictatorship?  They’d be the ones losing on this deal.  Whatever happened to the good ol’ days, when rational thought was involved in the decision-making process?  Whatever happened to the days when people realized that blind devotion is akin to accepting ignorance and living one’s life as a peon to forces they don’t even understand?
    Oh, wait, that never happened.  My bad.

Women’s Rights
    I’ve never understood why the Republicans are so strongly against the Women’s Right Treaty
    Anyways, there’s not much else to say about this one; the Women’s Rights Movement was almost 80 years ago, and we’re still a way’s away from achieving equality.  Go figure.

The Living Dead
    Yes, that’s right.  The living dead.

    Here’s an idea:  instead of dipping into the federal funds (you know, the ones whose deficit keeps increasing) to fund schools (via “No Child Left Behind“), why not use the state’s reserves to pay for it?  OR, you could stop dropping so many damned bombs and use that money saved to educate the children…hmm…
    But seriously, school vouchers piss me off somethin’-else.  If you didn’t already know, school vouchers are a sneaky way of using public tax money to fund private schools.  Let me say that again, in case you didn’t catch it the first time:  public taxes being used to fund private schools.  If our taxes are being used for private schools, why aren’t those schools being made public?  Why aren’t these public taxes being used to fund the under-funded public schools?
…And isn’t this a violation of seperation of church/state (most private schools are, afterall, religious)!?

    Although better emission standards would be nice, I wouldn’t want to have to pay more for gas and electricity than I already will.  Besides, pollution isn’t going to kill me – my children, maybe, but probably not me.
    What really pisses me off, though, is when someone goes out of their way to deliberately take a step backwards on the environmental-protection stepladder, and advertise it as the “Clear Skies Initiative” to the public, which apparently makes it less evil.  Ya, as though the people will actually fall for that.
    What’s that?  They already did?
    What the hell?

Gun Control
    Some people (so I’m told by gun-activists) want to completely cut off the public sales of guns and munition.  Right – because Prohibition worked real well the last time.
    I say, let them have their guns; there’s no way of stopping them anyhow.  Besides, as Micheal Moore thoroughly convinced me, guns aren’t the problem – however, some regulation on gun sales would be nice.  Honestly, what possible purpose could be found in owning an AK47 or AWM? – they’re too powerful to shoot deer with without tearing up the meat, yet too common to really showcase as a rarity.  Guns like that exist for only two reasons:
  1. Killing people.
  2. Satifying insecurites about having a small penis (“My gun’s bigger than yours is“).
I’m proud to say that my concealed weapon doesn’t need reloading.

Seperation of Church/State
    Why is it that the same groups of people who fight so hard to preserve their constitutional right to bear arms are usually the same groups of people who strive so vehemently to blur the distinction between church and state?
    I’m sure you can guess my feelings on this one (and I don’t want to get into another religious argument with my girlfriend), so I’ll leave it at that.

So what was my point in writing all of this, other than to prove to everyone that I’m right about everything?  Well first of all, to prove to everyone that I’m right about everything.  Second of all, to show that you couldn’t possibly have voted for the current president unless you were:
  A. Completely uninformed.
  B. Too stubborn to admit that maybe what you were taught as a child isn’t right (or that things might have changed since then).
  C. Filthy Stinking Rich.
I doubt I worked at all towards that latter goal, but I thought it was funny when it popped into my head so I wrote it down anyways.  Third of all, and most importantly, Republicans are idiots.  And so are Democrats.  In fact, you’re all idiots for not agreeing with me sooner.

    Still too stubborn to admit I’m right?  Write about it on your own blog; I’m sick of all your bitching.



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The greatest joy in life

    Recently a picture of me has been circulating the internet; and rather than start a petition to protect my right of privacy, I figured I’d just show you all me myself, before anyone else could.  So without further ado, I present to you BlueRaja, in all his Godliness and glory.
   While we’re at it, here’s a picture of my girlfriend, who’s the guilty party in circulating that incredibly-sexy-picture of the incredibly-sexy-me in the first place.

    If anyone would like my full name, address, height, weight, date of birth, phone-number, blood-type, social-security number, credit-card numbers, marital status, mother’s maiden name, password, or waist-size, feel free to drop me an email and go to hell.


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    Today while browsing blogs, I found this:

If you follow the links, you’ll find some pretty interesting stuff, including the following quote:

According to Phelps' official site(s), God Hates Fags.  He also hates America.  And Canada.  And Sweden.  But then apparently he also hates figs.  And shrimp.  And homophobes.

    Now, I don’t pretend to be extremely knowledgeable on the whole “gay” issue, but apparently that hasn’t stopped anyone else from forming/expressing an opinion, so let me give it a shot:

    The Sunnis had their Kurds; the Hutu had their Tutsi; the Nazis had their Jews; why can’t we have our gays?  To hell with “legal rights” – the only thing that matters is my twisted and illogical agenda, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get people to understand that – even if that means fabricating my facts and resources.  As long as I convince everyone to agree with me, I’m justified in any extreme I take, including blatently lying.  “Il fine giustifica i mezzi” (the end justifies the means).
    In the end, I have no remorse for these stupid ugly faggot stinky poopyheads; maybe if the only strong correlation found towards homosexuality were biological in nature (for instance, hypothetically, having an excess of estrogen in the womb), or if it could be shown that there is no fine line between being a homosexual and a heterosexual, then I might be a little more forgiving.  But it can’t, so I’m not; thus, homosexuality is a choice.
   Since I just proved that being gay is a choice, and since being gay is obviously immoral (if it weren’t, then two men kissing in private wouldn’t be infringing on my freedom of speech/religion/intelligence), being gay should be illegalized.  Anyone still pretending to be gay should, since they’re obviously mentally unstable, be immediately sent to sexual-reorientation therapy.  In this way, we may finally rid the world of homosexuals once and for all, just the way that Jesus intended.
    Homosexuals are mentally unstable.  Homosexuals are pedophiles.  According to distinguished Dr. James Dobson, Homosexuals are going to bring about the apocalypse.  Homosexuality is just plain unnatural.  It’s obvious that in order to prevent the breakup of the family-unit, keep our jobs, and stop the coming of the antichrist, we must clean America’s noble blood of all Blacks Jews Communists Asians Indians Arabs Gays, and go back to the way marriages are supposed to be in America:  between a man and his cousin.

Things Never to Say to Your Girlfriend

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Lessons in life I’ve learned the hard way

Raja: “Heck ya, violence is funny.”
Girlfriend: “So it would be funny if I beat you?”
Raja: “That would be hilarious; I can just see you filling your purse with bricks and whacking me over the head – I’d be lying on the ground, bleeding and laughing away.”
Girlfriend: “I don’t carry a purse.”
Raja: “Then just beat me with a brick; whatever’s most convenient for you.”

Raja: “When I need dead babies, I go down to the abortion clinic.”

Girlfriend: “I shouldn’t get irritated over you asking questions.”
Raja: “Good; can we have a threesome?”

Raja: “I wouldn’t say you’re more important than the TV – it’s about equal.”

Raja: “No, but seriously, you’re obviously more important to me than TV is.  If you were hanging off a cliff by a rope, and TV were hanging off a cliff by a rope, I’d definately try to save you first.”

Raja: “I could always buy a new TV; but new girlfriends are too expensive.”

Raja: “Your computer’s making funny noises?  Here’s what you do:  just pick it up, and shake it real hard.  Shuts it up every time.  Works with small children, too.”

Girlfriend: “You know what they say about assuming…”
Raja: “It makes an ass out of you.”
Girlfriend: “And me.”
Raja: “Exactly.”

    There were more, but I’m pretty sure that if I posted them, she’d break up with me.

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Heidi:  “So wait, [Raja]… what did you get on your ACTs?  A 33?”
Raja:  “Ya…”
Heidi  “And what was your GPA?”
Raja:  “2.7…
…stop laughing.” 

  “They probably just accepted you as a filler, because they expect you to pay and drop out right away.”
Raja:  “Thanks, hun.”
Girlfriend:  “Anytime.”