Filed under Old blog, Uncategorized

    Well, I suppose it’s time to feed my Xanga again – unlike most American women, Xangas can’t go two weeks without eating.

    A lot of very uninteresting events have happened in the past thirteen days.  For one, my girlfriend and I got back together again (in fact, we apparently never technically broke up in the first place). Of course, I’m not saying that my girlfriend is uninteresting – but what happens in my sex(less)-life is none of your damned business.
    For another, my friend Alex, whom I haven’t seen for a very long time, is coming up later today.  Those of you who have seen my very funny, very original, award-winning Emmy-nominated documentary on Alex know who I’m talking about. I was going to post a few clips from the movie, but I find myself unfortunately unable to do so:  earlier today, Windows thought it would be a funny joke to delete my backup partition while I was formatting my hard-drive.  I punched Windows in the face and spouted dirty racial-slurs at it, but alas, even all the hate I could muster was unable to recover my lost files.  I went so far as to hire a few white-supremacists to aid me in my exorcism, but even that effort proved futile in the end.
Oh well.  What was I going to do with the past four years of my life, anyways?

    I better get back to watching over my (currently internet-less) laptop, before it decides to melt or catch fire or something.  Xanga’s full enough, anyway, with all the bullshit the rest of you keep feeding it.

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