
Filed under Old blog, Uncategorized

    Today while browsing blogs, I found this:

If you follow the links, you’ll find some pretty interesting stuff, including the following quote:

According to Phelps' official site(s), God Hates Fags.  He also hates America.  And Canada.  And Sweden.  But then apparently he also hates figs.  And shrimp.  And homophobes.

    Now, I don’t pretend to be extremely knowledgeable on the whole “gay” issue, but apparently that hasn’t stopped anyone else from forming/expressing an opinion, so let me give it a shot:

    The Sunnis had their Kurds; the Hutu had their Tutsi; the Nazis had their Jews; why can’t we have our gays?  To hell with “legal rights” – the only thing that matters is my twisted and illogical agenda, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get people to understand that – even if that means fabricating my facts and resources.  As long as I convince everyone to agree with me, I’m justified in any extreme I take, including blatently lying.  “Il fine giustifica i mezzi” (the end justifies the means).
    In the end, I have no remorse for these stupid ugly faggot stinky poopyheads; maybe if the only strong correlation found towards homosexuality were biological in nature (for instance, hypothetically, having an excess of estrogen in the womb), or if it could be shown that there is no fine line between being a homosexual and a heterosexual, then I might be a little more forgiving.  But it can’t, so I’m not; thus, homosexuality is a choice.
   Since I just proved that being gay is a choice, and since being gay is obviously immoral (if it weren’t, then two men kissing in private wouldn’t be infringing on my freedom of speech/religion/intelligence), being gay should be illegalized.  Anyone still pretending to be gay should, since they’re obviously mentally unstable, be immediately sent to sexual-reorientation therapy.  In this way, we may finally rid the world of homosexuals once and for all, just the way that Jesus intended.
    Homosexuals are mentally unstable.  Homosexuals are pedophiles.  According to distinguished Dr. James Dobson, Homosexuals are going to bring about the apocalypse.  Homosexuality is just plain unnatural.  It’s obvious that in order to prevent the breakup of the family-unit, keep our jobs, and stop the coming of the antichrist, we must clean America’s noble blood of all Blacks Jews Communists Asians Indians Arabs Gays, and go back to the way marriages are supposed to be in America:  between a man and his cousin.

Additional Reading:

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