Monthly Archives: April 2006

Filed under Old blog, Uncategorized

Dear Blog,
   I really wish I had time to pay more attention to you; however, the constant onslaught of video games, movies, and late-night pizza that college has provided me with has not only stinted my creativity, but left me with very little time for the more important things in life, such as you.  I wish I could tell you that I still love you the way I used to; I wish I could tell you that you still bring the same joy and excitement that you have in times past.  However, things change, and I’m not nineteen anymore:  I’m nineteen-and-a-half, a huge difference in the eyes of the real world.  Perhaps in another life, things could have turned out differently… but it’s too late for that.  I wish for you not to look into the past, and what could-have-been, but towards the future, and what will-be.  Don’t let my leaving you be a thorn in your side; rather, let it be an inspiration to do better in times to come, and to be a better person…er…weblog.
   In closing, Blog, there is really only one thing left for me to do before we part.  The one thing, the only thing, that any kind, decent, loving American male could do to help another in need:  I leave you, Blog, with only a picture of two large, succulent boobies.  May it help you to pass the time well.

Good bye Blog…