Monthly Archives: September 2005

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Don’t you just hate people who update simply for the sake of updating?

Teach a Man to Fish

Filed under Old blog, Uncategorized

and he’ll shoot at you and steal your boat

Recently, a friend and I were having a deep-rooted philosophical discussion, in which we came to two conclusions:

  1. I must be the only college student who manages to keep an online blog without simultaneously juggling a serious mental-retardation problem; case and point.
  2. h01y 1337 0n3:  Hm.  Maybe this is more a problem with blogrings than it is blogs…
    h01y 1337 0n3:  I mean, really.  It’s wholly insane to sign up for a blogring to meet people who go to the SAME SCHOOL AS YOU.
    h01y 1337 0n3:  How about just going to class, you fools.

  3. The only two things that have been in the news for the past week have been gas prices and dead Southerners.  Here’s my thought:  why not create a vehicle that runs on dead Southerners?  This has the added bonus that, once we’re out of dead Southerners to run on, we could always make more.  Hell, why stop at dead Southerners?  Why not have it run on dead people in general?  We could even throw in aborted fetuses.  Look at that; I’ve just solved the problems of high gas prices, teen pregnancy, and overpopulation in one fell swoop.  I should be getting paid for this.

    Seriously, though; civilians shooting at aid-workers?  Large groups of men raping women?  Large-scale rioting?  What the hell is the matter with you people?  Nothing like this happened after the Tsunami, during the NY blackout or after 9/11 – whatever happened to American pride and isolationism, to “we can handle ourselves because we’re better than everyone else?”  If these are the people that are starving to death, then I say, good riddance; I’m running low on aborted fetuses anyway.

[edit: Score.]

Filed under Old blog, Uncategorized

    And remember, kids; vote for Kazi in the upcoming dorm elections :D.